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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... 

A space voyager made contact with life forms in another realm. The space voyager returned with not only tales of these 2,222 beautiful aliens and their colorful skin and hair, but also with a message from them in the form of a song. Many moons later, the legend still lives on.  

The Space Agency has issued a briefing on a new mission to return to the realm of The 2222 and attempt to learn more about their world. You, astronaut, are among the selected few who will travel through time and space to attempt to find them.

This is all we know so far: They are beautiful, they are powerful and they are located right outside our galaxy... just BEYOND REALITY.

Meet The 2222 Aliens

Flight Plan

  • 1

    Operation Discovery

    • The first ship will launch with 222 intrepid adventurers (including those who made The Flightlist and are permitted to board the spacecraft early). These valiant astronauts will be the first to discover the aliens and will be rewarded for their bravery with additional utility in their spacepacks (for more info on utilities, see FAQs below).

    • Legend has it, these aliens are blue, pink, purple and green, but there have also been sightings of aliens with galactic and rainbow skin!

    • There is an elite group of aliens that have been spotted only in the furthest realm. Their skin is coated in gold and platinum and they are the rarest of The 2222 (for more info on rarity, see FAQs below).
    Operation Discovery
  • 2

    Operation Rainbow Galaxy

    • Once we have discovered the first 222, we are on our way to find the rest of The 2222!

    • As the tale has been told, a few of these aliens have collected items left behind by previous adventurers during their voyages.

    • Because these lifeforms are as intelligent as humans, they have learned to use items such as headphones, sunglasses, VR headsets, astronaut helmets, tv antennae and more.
  • 3

    Operation Heavy Metal

    •  Once The 2222 have all been discovered, additional missions will be launched to reach other galaxies.

    • Astronauts who embarked on Mission: Beyond Reality will be considered for first boarding on the next Space Flight.

    • Bon voyage, astronauts! See you upon your return.
    Operation Heavy Metal


Astronaut, your adventure awaits...

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